Where to stay:

For your convenience we have collaborated with our official travel partner Expohotels to put together a list of hotel options tailored towards ECB2024 attendees with exclusive rates. Please click here to book. 

Local transportation:

  • Public Transport: Rotterdam has an efficient public transport system, including buses, trams, and metro services. For planning local journeys within Rotterdam and the Netherlands, delegates can use the website This website provides up-to-date information on public transportation routes, schedules, and any service disruptions.
  • Bicycle Rentals: Rotterdam is a bike-friendly city, and renting a bicycle is a popular and environmentally friendly way to explore. For more information on renting a bicycle, please click here. 

What to do in Rotterdam:

We encourage you to make the most of your time in this vibrant city. Explore iconic landmarks such as the Cube Houses and the breath taking Erasmus Bridge. Click here to visit Rotterdam's official tourism website to discover exciting activities and attractions. 

Don't forget that Amsterdam, with its world-renowned museums and historic charm, is just a 40-50 minute train journey away. Consider extending your stay and venturing into the captivating Dutch capital.

Places to eat:

Useful information about the Netherlands

Time Zone: Central European Time (CET), UTC+1

Language: Dutch is the official language in the Netherlands, but English is widely spoken. 

Currency: Euro (EUR)

Electricity: The power supply in the Netherlands is 220/240 V. Most electric outlets adhere to the continental standard (Schuko). Appliances from North America require a transformer and British ones an adaptor for the two-pin sockets in use in the Netherlands.

Weather: July is summer in the Netherlands. Expect mild to warm temperatures (average of 23.3°C/73.95°F), but it's advisable to bring a light jacket and raincoat. 

Phone: The dialling code for the Netherlands is +31. Please remember to check your own country's code before you travel.

Emergency Services: The emergency number is 112 for police, medical, and fire emergencies. The emergency operators will speak English.


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